Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Halton Cocaine, Guns, Date Rape Drugs and a Mailbox Bomb

The Hell's Angels still doing the same things to this day, are found in an article about cocaine trafficking, GHB Date Rape Drug trafficking, and a mailbox bomb, in Halton. "Better them, than sex slave trafficking, date rape dealing, coke dealing, rapist murderers? (in Halton)" They are your friendly coke dealers, murdering people in public, good luck with the fake PR to operate ways into people's lives and involve them and their kids in all of these things and to allow all this to go on under, and because of, this facade. A great job by the police too dealing with such people, try not to dip a doughnut in coffee too fast, you might knock some crooked change out of your pockets. Don't mind the mailbox bomb back in the 2000's as the Outlaws are back in Ontario, London to Toronto and Port Dover and pushing in and recruiting urban street gangs, maybe "better off the police do their job".

"It ended in the seizure of $982,800 worth of cocaine, $996,000 worth of the so-called 'date rape drug' GHB, and 200 tablets of Viagra worth $1,300; 10 vehicles, worth a total of $100,000; 67 rifles; eight handguns; and three sets of brass knuckles."


  pronounced [doosh]  Show IPA noun, verb, douched,douch·ing.

Slang: Vulgar. douche bag  def 2 . A redneck hick, usually strapped to the Macho Man Randy Savage bandanna with guns, bombs, slim-jims and coke, aka a Skeeter, to police: a code 3-11 (Alpha Foxtrot Kentucky Waterfall).


The related Toronto Star article:

Outlaws MC moving into Ontario:

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