Friday 5 April 2013

Hell's Angels Rapist Killers by Orders

I bet they're gonna wish they did not 'F around'. After ATF agent Jay Dobyns infiltrated the Hell's Angels and brought them to justice, him and his family received several horrifying threats, such as "gang plans to infect Dobyns with the HIV virus (with a needle), videotape the gang rape of his wife and daughter, and otherwise torture and murder them all. " "Gang rape... his wife and daughter (17 at the time)..." They should be doing life in prison, in Texas, with a shorter sentence. At which point the Hell's Angels would interject "Ha ha... it wasn't us, it was MS whatever, they just infiltrated us... and ha ha derp..." "Somebody get my PR, derp, der, derp, derp." The Hell's Angels later set fire to his house while his children and wife were in it while he wasn't even the state, not that that would be a good excuse even in the minds of serial killers like them.

I had the video posted here, but it's only auto-play, so here's a link to it. If you question if he is lying, his eyes are unwavering in the video, in order to lie he would have to look up and to the opposite of his dominent hand, judging by his photos he's right handed (so it would be up and to the left instead of straight ahead which it is).!prettyPhoto/0/

By the way, found this photo, apparently the Hell's Angels like to keep young company around them, I guess like the 18(?) year old girls in the photos they just took off their website, right after I made that article making fun of them. He looks like an f-ing weirdo, but I guess he had to fit in. They kept this file on google, to keep a file of the files on file, just saying. (the joke is funny cause they're pedophiles)

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