Monday 30 September 2013

Hell's Angels Child Pimping Facts

I wrote this down the other day, Hell's Angels child pimping, not NPF, not Hungarians, the Hell's Angels. You never hear about the NPF having girls under 17. And the Hell's Angels aren't retired, who runs the cocaine trafficking here then, and the sexual slavery/prostitution and illegal firearms trafficking?

A 12 year old HA prostitute, held against her will, while her mother was looking for her:

"Bridget entered the sex trade at the age of twelve, was a member of Hell’s Angels and worked in brothels in Halifax and Winnipeg. She survived in part because the older girls looked out for her, in part because she was able to read people, and in part because her mother never gave up looking for her and loving her."

"As well, some family members consciously force children as young as six years old into the sex trade. These children are given drugs to ease the pain and awkwardness of the situation - a practice that exposes them to drugs at an early age, and consequently may create an addiction situation," Dalley writes. (apparently "that's very rare")

Sparse as information was in 2008, Dalley found more than 400 children, some as young as 11, were reported as working for pimps in Calgary.

links are in the article below

"Just Calgary craper."

A woman who was an 11 year old prostitute in Toronto, the upset person.

Fiolleau pointed out that a majority of under-the-table brothels are already run by criminal organizations and that the ruling will only encourage these organizations — such as Hell’s Angels — to become more established in the business of selling woman’s flesh for profit. (the woman, the HA "helped", clearly, from CALGARY)

Just because she talks about you a lot (as the leading child molester child pimps), doesn't mean she likes you, I bet you must have "helped her" really good, for her to use your logo (apparently not out of disrespect) like you said.

"Police say the (Hells Angels) organization also rakes in profits from money-laundering, extortion and prostitution."

"Human trafficking is the second largest source of illegal income worldwide exceeded only by drugs trafficking." - this wasn't even the one, the one I read was on a Canadian survivor of it's website. (the second largest income other than drugs for the Hell's Angels, in front of illegal arms trafficking, extortion, extortion-protection, financial crimes, gambling, child porn [not just in Nevada, Ontario too] and snuff film rings and money laundering)

"The average age of prostitution is 13 years old" "the average amount of forced rapes per day is 15 'johns' 'clients'" Timea Nagy

The HA are the lead suspects of the trafficking from hungary, with the 2 domotor brothers.

The 17 year old girl who escaped in milton was the HA, and a hired hungarian, Aldain Alando Beckford, the NPF never touched her, and let off a gun about it, so the hells angels could blame somebody else and make themselves look better in comparison to black people. They do the same human traficking from spain to europe.

All people operating an illegal business pay taxes to who runs the territory, so in ontario they would largely pay the HA, specifically the NPF.

The NPF mostly has girls around 17 and up who operate out of HA clubs and bars and in peel in their taxi service, so the HA give the rules of what girls the NPF bring to their clubs and how to treat them.

The HA deal in small children in brothels without the NPF, if you read about the NPF they are mostly grown women. If you read the woman she outlines what the HA are into.

"Renaud said that's exactly what happened to her friend Stacy.
"She ended up meeting a gentleman (who forced her into sexual slavery). He was a well-respected businessman, also a high-ranking Hells Angel" (Nova Scotia where the NPF are from)

"The group (the Hell's Angels) raised money mainly by forcing women into prostitution across Germany and extorting cash from people they threatened to harm if they were not paid. 

Threatening someone’s family is total low life. Yet these guys have been accused of showing women pictures of their family and threatening to harm them if the woman didn’t agree to become prostitutes for them. That is disgusting."

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